Let's Work Together

Attract More Clients with Emotionally Lead Results

attraction marketing idealclient Jul 10, 2023

When you are sharing the results of your coaching program or your service business,  do you focus on the emotional benefits?

People can unpick logic and facts, but once they have imagined and emotional benefit, it much more appealing and motivating.

🤔 think about it, we all know that we should eat healthy, but often we crave food that we loved as a child.

👀 Watch any TV show of people buying houses. They have their list of practical needs, but when it has the feeling, then that over-rides obstacles that they didn't tolerate in other houses.

➡️ So, are you sharing the benefits and the emotional benefits of working with you?

Statistics are important. I recently helped my client, Social Entrepreneurs Ireland to grow their list, the traffic to their site, and the attendance of their webinars.

But what's much more compelling is the impact of that change.

The confidence and direction that they have achieved with clear strategy and messaging. The knowledge that they now have that they can produce content to attract social entrerpreneurs to their programs with ease.

When you are preparing your messaging, no matter what it is. From your LinkedIn Profile through to your posts and even your website pages or the questions on your Discovery Calls...

✨️ Dig deep into what results you can achieve for your clients.

➡️ Show them in a way that they can understand the emotional benefit of working with you.

❤️ Imagine the impact that you could make if you had a business that was more consistent in its performance and what that would mean for your everyday life.

📞 Book a call with me at www.elainewalshmcgrath.com/call if you would like me to review your content or website with you to give you some suggestions of how you could improve it to show people the transformation that you can help them to achieve.

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