How to Grow the Reach of your LinkedIn Content
Jul 29, 2024![The words](
If you find that you're not getting enough traction with your sales related content then there is one of two issues going on:
You have not primed the pump. Strategically and tactically.
Your customer doesn't think it's for them.
98% of businesses I work with make these mistakes. You're not alone.
What is priming the pump?
Before you share sales content you need to make sure that you have enough existing and new followers and connections interacting with your content. They have to understand why you're relevant to them.
Most businesses don't fall into the "need" category, so we need to focus on showing our prospective clients that their life will be better by working with us.
Are you doing that?
Do you understand (because you've spoken to your customers) why your service makes a difference to them?
It's likely that it's not a logical reason. In the B2B space we buy people. I love my accountant because I enjoy talking to him. I trust him. So even with numbers it's an emotional decision.
So if you want to sell in your content (we're in the world of business here) then it won't work unless you have shown your followers that by working with you, they will attain their desire. I'm not talking about private jets (unless that's your business, in which case it's not the jet they're buying, it's the outcome of what they get from buying a jet.)
Are you spending enough time showing them the result for THEM not you, of working with you?
Nearly every single business that I have worked with doesn't focus on this until we start working together. Here's the thing:
➡️ We are selfish as humans (even the kindest of us.) We pay attention to what matters to us.
❤️ We buy with our hearts and justify with our heads
So if there is no emotional outcome from working with you then you won't gain enough attention when you share sales related content.
This works in every category.
Look at your content objectively and ask yourself does it speak to an emotional connection? Can your future client look at what you're sharing and think I desire that? (not want, desire.)
Are you using the right tactics?
Video is easier to watch. Carousels perform well on LinkedIn. Pictures of people within the business achieve strong levels of engagement.
So when you want to build the number of people who notice your content are you thinking tactically about what you are posting?
Or are you relying to heavily on graphics and links to your website?
Are you using too much stock photography? Is it the same stock that everyone else is using?
Does your brand stand out as YOU?
It's time to get that brand photography session sorted if you are relying too heavily on photos that don't make people realise that your business is authentic and relevant to them.
Does your client realise that you're reaching out to them?
When you or someone that you trust looks at your content objectively, does it use ChatGPT speak? Or generic assumed marketing speak? Or does it talk in the words of your customer?
Does it make them feel seen and heard?
Are you pitching to the right person? Often my clients, who sell to corporate organisations, serve an end user who isn't the buyer. Perhaps it's productivity training, or presentation skills training or well-being away days. The person who hires you will be motivated for entirely different reasons than the person who takes part in the sessions with you.
Ask yourself:
Do you know what those reasons are?
Are you sharing that information in your content?
People buy for their reasons, not for ours.
If you don't know what their reasons are then you need to spend time finding out what they are, because when you do, you will be able to find more customers just like them.
If you need help with that then reach out to me: [email protected]
I work with large organisations as a consultant, I work with a small number of clients one to one sharing a done with you service.
I also have a content membership called Let's Get Visible where we work on EXACTLY this.
➡️ It's packed full of value that focuses on ease not overwhelm and has monthly calls, planning sessions and workshops and training sessions.
➡️ I give everyone the exact tools that I use with brands that I work with in my content agency. (They're practical and easy to use.)
❤️ In my community we're inclusive and members' professions range from virtual assistant to financial wellness and professional witch.
Click the link for more information:
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