How to take a break as a business owner
Dec 01, 2022
Does the idea of taking holidays trigger you? Maybe the last time you took a break, your business took an extra two weeks to pick back up afterwards. When you have your own business you should be able to take time off, enjoy the flexibility of working for yourself. And you can. You just need to channel your inner Mary Poppins and get a little organised!
SO are you ready?
You can have the life that you have been dreaming of.
To enjoy the festivities, revel in those warm hot chocolates, get wrapping those presents, spend time with your friends (furry or otherwise!), decorate the tree, the door, the outside tree!
Or maybe just look back at last year's photos and get ready to make some new memories?
Hera are 5 easy ways for you to get time to switch off this Christmas.
1️⃣ I normally post my social media personally and I am on social when they go out. But on holidays I use a scheduler.
Check out different ones to see what suits you best.
I use Loomly. Click here to find out more.
2️⃣ Create posts that grow your list. Use a lead magnet to do all the work for you. I have fabulous templates that I use to create workbooks, journals, courses, and they come with Canva Tutorials and an amazing support group.
Check out Amber's Store. Click here (I love them so much I'm an affiliate!)
3️⃣ Make sure that you have something ready for those new followers or subscribers to your email list. Use an automated email system to welcome them.
I use leadpages I love them so much I also have an affiliate link for them that gives you a free trial:
4️⃣ Write your copy and save it in the cloud on an app. So you're not tied to your laptop. If you urgently have to edit a post before it goes then you can just log in, where-ever you are and add those hashtags.
I use evernote. Click here to check it out.
5️⃣ Keep selling even while you are out and about. Free yourself up. Invest in a good booking system. Take extra unnecessary steps out of the process. Have an FAQ page on your website. I-Frame your booking system into your website.
I use Calendly Click here to try it yourself.
Then get out those sparkly high heels (or flats!), slippers, hiking boots or wellies! Get some time to yourself to enjoy the festivities.
Take a break.
You deserve it!
Elaine x
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