Let's Work Together

Unlocking the Power of Personal Branding: A Fab Collab to help you Shine on LinkedIn

Jan 10, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of online presence and professional networking, the need for a standout personal brand on platforms like LinkedIn has become paramount. Last year when I met talented photographer at an online WIBN meeting, Albane McGuinness, I knew I wanted to work with her. When I created my course the Real Me Wins Clients on LinkedIn, it was missing a little je ne sais quoi! Because I knew that if you wanted to create a stand out personal brand on LinkedIn you needed not just amazing branding, great copy but also fab photography!

I already knew that I had to get Namrata Vijayakar on board when she created my new logo and branding in September. She is so passionate about helping service providers increase their recall on LinkedIn.

Networking is amazing not just for meeting others, the support that you get, the business growth you can achieve but also for giving opportunities that you may not have considered. Like a fab collab! And so on the 17th January Albane and I alongside a wonderful Branding Expert, Namrata are holding a live paid workshop called "How to Shine on LinkedIn," coupled with a bonus course titled "The Real Me Wins Clients on LinkedIn."

The Workshop:
Scheduled for January 17th at 10 am on Zoom, the live workshop promises participants a transformative experience. Hosted by Elaine Walsh McGrath (that's me!), I'm an award winning Content Strategy and LinkedIn Coach, the event introduces two experts - Namrata Vijayakar, a Brand Design Specialist, and Albane McGuinness, a Brand Photographer.

What to Expect:
The 60-minute live workshop aims to empower participants with essential insights into utilizing branding to shine on LinkedIn. Namrata Vijayakar will share her expertise on leveraging branding to make a lasting impression. Meanwhile, Albane McGuinness will delve into the transformative power of personal brand photography, providing invaluable tips on creating personalized brand images.

Included Bonus Course:
To ensure a comprehensive learning experience, the workshop comes bundled with a bonus course - "The Real Me Wins Clients on LinkedIn." Elaine emphasizes the importance of authenticity, urging participants to embrace their unique qualities. The course includes:

1. Authentic Me Workbook with Supporting Tutorials
2. Content Workbook & Tutorial
3. Branding Cheatsheet
4. Storytelling Copy Prompts with Tutorial
5. 10 x Content Ideas to Reveal YOU!
6. Trello Board for Organization
7. Q&A Support within the Course Portal
8. Lifetime Access to Course Material

VALUE - £1,073

I'm on a mission to help more service based businesses stand out on LinkedIn so that they can land more clients that they love to work with.

So coaches and service providers I'd love you to join us so that you have the tools you need to stand out on LinkedIn. By focusing on personal branding and authentic self-expression, you can expect not only to enhance your online presence but also to build a connection with their audience that goes beyond the superficial. If you've been contemplating building a personal brand on LinkedIn, this workshop and bonus course are tailored just for you. Don't miss the chance to discover the keys to shining on LinkedIn and unlocking your true potential in the world of online professional networking. Are you in?

Here's the link to learn more:

Photo credit:
Albane McGuinness

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