Let's Work Together

Why should you use Podcasting and LinkedIn to Promote your Business?

linkedin linkedin coach marketing podcast podcasting small business Sep 24, 2024
Elaine sat with a laptop looking at the screen, with the title 'Why should you use Podcasting and LinkedIn to Promote your Business?' alongside it

If you are using content to grow the visibility of your business then you need to have two types of channels.

Firstly, a platform that has an algorthimic nature like Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn is great for reach once you get it right. You can borrow their audiences for FREE to promote your business, once you know how.I recommend that you choose at least one, get help understanding how you can make it work for you (I can help you with LinkedIn 🙋♀️ ) and focus your content on what works on those platforms.

And secondly, it's best practice to have an "evergreen" channel or a channel that is easy for people to search. Like a blog, a podcast or YouTube. Again make sure that you take into consideration how to use this to increase your searchability.

Which would you choose?

The things that you should consider are:

  1. How do you enjoy to communicate?

  2. Do you like to write?

  3. Are you more of a talker?

  4. Do you enjoy showing up on video to create a connection with your followers?

  5. What will you enjoy the most, and be able to sustain into the future to present a consistent message to your prospective clients?

I have a blog, but I dream of having a podcast! Why? Well...

From a lifestyle perspective, one of the main attractions for me is that I could... batch create the content, promote my podcast, and then get on with my life?

From a marketing and business perspective I could use it to promote my courses, and it could be a resource for both people who don't know me yet, and also for people who buy from me.

So Podcasts are an amazing content tool. They are increasingly popular with online course creators, coaches and small business owners.

I'm obsessed. Are you the same? 

Because think about it, as your listeners get to know you they build that know, like and trust factor to help encourage your customers to buy from you.

Then you can promote it on LinkedIn and build your thoughtleadership (is that a word?) status even further.

On my journey to find out more I met the amazing Rachael Botfield who is a podcast producer and has her own podcast. And I convinced her to share a workshop with me! 

We have collaborated and created a mini training, where she presents how to promote your business with podcasts and LinkedIn.

We cover:

The benefits of podcasting for your business from expert podcaster Rachael Botfield.

1. Who is it for?

2. What is it about? 3

3. Frequency length and Style?

AND We'll workshop the idea of your podcast

I share 3 tips on how you can use LinkedIn to promote your podcast. You'll get a worksheet which we will use in the workshop.

And Rachael talks about being a guest on podcasts.

If you have any questions please email [email protected]

Are you in?

Access the video training with questions and answers and worksheet to accompany the live training here:

Click here to learn more about the workshop

Elaine x

P.S. if you'd prefer to pay in Euro or USD then reach out to my team and email [email protected] and they can accommodate that.


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